Regulatory Protection Tools

The following is a set of regulatory protection tools, that can be utilised to block US based wallets, or US Based Validators for partaking in either validating a smart contract process for your project, or for accepting a smart contract process for your process from a end user based in the US.

This can be re-worked for other restricted nations as required. 

_stETH Tracking Plugin

The following is a Lido stXXX rebase & wallet tracking solution for wordpress (or php) based sites/applications.

[BIG] Data API
Obtain your API key here.

The Following is guide for API access to [Big] Data.


The Following is guide for API access to Serum Go Video Data.

Obtain your API key here.
Note for Commercial, Gov/State, Journalistic use we highly suggest signing up officially here.
[D'Fake] API

The Following is guide for API access to D’Fake A’Go Video Data.

Obtain your API key here.
Note for Commercial, Gov/State, Journalistic use we highly suggest signing up officially here.
[FIN] Wisdom API

Obtain your API key here.

Understand our [FIN] Wisdom Nasdaq 100, Nasdaq Composite & SPX/SP500 forecasting approach.