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Our Objective

Our main focus is on long term prospects as opposed to short term – daily – prospects. 

Through the application of pattern recognition, and extrapolation, to financial market movement data and QE/liquidity data, Terminal generates dynamic macro focused charts. 

These forward looking systems enable our users to spot potential long term financial opportunities, across the financial markets, and make their own decisions accordingly.

Featured Highlights

Dynamic Macro Auto Charts

Automated chart building systems free up your time so you have more capacity to analyse and make decisions.

Block AI Summariser

We give you the gist of it. Simply upload your story and our systems will give you the takeaways worth paying attention to.

Macro Traffic Lights

Green is up and Red is down how you act is up to you. Live indicators that show what is going on your realm of interest.

AI Asset Track & Driller

Enter the market tickers of interest and then sit back and watch as our systems pull in current market data for your analysis.

Charting & AIs

Portfolio Tracking

Within Terminal there is a Portfolio Tracking System.

Analyse Intent Not Just Words

Our Serum system analyses on-demand micro-tells to determine what the real intent of statements is.

Multi Dynamic Charting

Seamlessly upload structured or unstructured data, connect with our systems, or utilize our data offerings to create a holistic macro-analytical perspective

AI Analytical Systems

Terminal has a array of AI’s at your fingertips for analysing assets. 

Trial for 30 Days

With no cost, you gain a sneak peek into how Terminal transforms macro insights into actionable financial intelligence. Whether you’re analyzing market


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