Deceptive Trait Statements: 0


speaks for all Governments in a meltdown about controlling information on social media. But is it really misinformation they are worried about? or is it the truth spreading uncontrollably that worries them most?

Vocal Analysis

Detected Statement ID: 1

Statement 1
Person ID 1
Person Name Emmanuel Macron
Words Stated 2
Words not Understood 0
Sentiment Detected Neutral
Sentiment Polarity 0
Sentiment Subjectivity 0
Sarcasm Scoring -22
Vocal Emotion of Speaker None
Determined Emotion Analysing Accuracy 0

Detected Statement ID: 2

Statement 2
Person ID 1
Person Name Emmanuel Macron
Words Stated 4
Words not Understood 0
Sentiment Detected Neutral
Sentiment Polarity 0
Sentiment Subjectivity 0
Sarcasm Scoring -21
Vocal Emotion of Speaker None
Determined Emotion Analysing Accuracy 0

Detected Statement ID: 3

Statement 3
Person ID 1
Person Name Emmanuel Macron
Words Stated 11
Words not Understood 0
Sentiment Detected Neutral
Sentiment Polarity 0.02
Sentiment Subjectivity 0.28
Sarcasm Scoring -41
Vocal Emotion of Speaker None
Determined Emotion Analysing Accuracy 0

Detected Statement ID: 4

Statement 4
Person ID 0
Person Name Emmanuel Macron
Words Stated 5
Words not Understood 0
Sentiment Detected Neutral
Sentiment Polarity 0.07
Sentiment Subjectivity 0.23
Sarcasm Scoring -37
Vocal Emotion of Speaker None
Determined Emotion Analysing Accuracy 0

Detected Statement ID: 5

Statement 5
Person ID 3
Person Name Emmanuel Macron
Words Stated 8
Words not Understood 0
Sentiment Detected Neutral
Sentiment Polarity 0.12
Sentiment Subjectivity 0.43
Sarcasm Scoring -29
Vocal Emotion of Speaker None
Determined Emotion Analysing Accuracy 0

Detected Statement ID: 6

Statement 6
Person ID 0
Words Stated 3
Words not Understood 0
Sentiment Detected Neutral
Sentiment Polarity 0
Sentiment Subjectivity 0
Sarcasm Scoring -21
Vocal Emotion of Speaker None
Determined Emotion Analysing Accuracy 0

Detected Statement ID: 7

Statement 7
Person ID 0
Words Stated 13
Words not Understood 0
Sentiment Detected Neutral
Sentiment Polarity 0
Sentiment Subjectivity 0
Sarcasm Scoring -20
Vocal Emotion of Speaker None
Determined Emotion Analysing Accuracy 0

Deceptive Trait Analysis

AI Determined

Person averaged

Person ID 0
Blinks 0
Blinks Per Second 0.0
E.A.R 0.1240503524849495
L.A.R 0.13118341966627528
Lips Pursing 0
Cheek Colour (R, G, B) 0, 0, 0
Person ID 1
Blinks 1.035418524250073e-08
Blinks Per Second None
E.A.R 0.41291867396210985
L.A.R 0.15909986594357894
Lips Pursing None
Cheek Colour (R, G, B) 166, 88, 84
Person ID 2
Blinks 0
Blinks Per Second None
E.A.R 0
L.A.R 0
Lips Pursing None
Cheek Colour (R, G, B) 0, 0, 0

1. Detected:

Person ID 0
Person NameEmmanuel Macron
Deception Analysis
Time Stamp00:00:10:00
Period Detected00:00:10:00
Blinks Detected 0
Blinks Per Second 0.0
Number of Blushes Recognised 0
Number of Lip Pursing Recognised 0
Predicted Truth

Note It's possible that there has been a failure in translating a word, or that the word has been incorrectly represented. Please note that the AI system does not make a definitive determination on these words; it is simply providing helpful understanding through post-processing.
you're saying we have been told the ono one of the larger social notebooks in the world

Initial Data Processing Determined for Person ID 0

Age and Gender Analysis
Person 0 Age Range 41-45
Gender of Speaker Male
Crossed-Arm Detection

Person ID 0 without Crossed-Arm

2. Detected:

Person ID 1
Person NameEmmanuel Macron
Deception Analysis
Time Stamp00:00:12:330
Period Detected00:00:12:330
Blinks Detected 3
Blinks Per Second 0.24330900243309003
Number of Blushes Recognised 0
Number of Lip Pursing Recognised 0
Predicted Truth

Note It's possible that there has been a failure in translating a word, or that the word has been incorrectly represented. Please note that the AI system does not make a definitive determination on these words; it is simply providing helpful understanding through post-processing.
the new international reactionary movement
Age and Gender Analysis
Person 1 Age Range 31-35
Gender of Speaker Female
Crossed-Arm Detection

Person ID 1 without Crossed-Arm

3. Detected:

Person ID 1
Person NameEmmanuel Macron
Deception Analysis
Time Stamp00:00:16:769
Period Detected00:00:04:440
Blinks Detected 1
Blinks Per Second 0.22522522522522526
Number of Blushes Recognised 0
Number of Lip Pursing Recognised 0
Predicted Truth

Note It's possible that there has been a failure in translating a word, or that the word has been incorrectly represented. Please note that the AI system does not make a definitive determination on these words; it is simply providing helpful understanding through post-processing.
would imagine that
Age and Gender Analysis
Person 1 Age Range 31-35
Gender of Speaker Male
Crossed-Arm Detection

Person ID 1 without Crossed-Arm