Debanking: Examining the Concerns for Individuals like Nigel Farage in an Era of CBDCs

The emergence of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) brings forth a new set of challenges for individuals who are not favored by the state or private companies, including banks. Nigel Farage, a controversial political figure in the United Kingdom, serves as an example of someone who has faced opposition from the establishment. This article aims […]

The Dystopian Outlook: Gosbank, CBDCs, and the Erosion of Privacy

In the era of the Soviet Union, Gosbank served as the central bank and financial guardian of the country, effectively operating as a surveillance tool for the government. Today, as the world adopts Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), concerns arise regarding the potential erosion of privacy and the creation of a dystopian financial landscape. This […]

RiDT: Enhancing Cryptocurrency Security and Combating Money Laundering with an Inscription-based ERC20 Issuance Mechanism

Cryptocurrencies have faced scrutiny from regulators due to concerns regarding money laundering and the ease with which criminals can exploit the fungibility of digital assets. However, the underlying blockchain technology holds the potential to trace the origins and destinations of funds, thanks to its immutable nature. To address these challenges, the RiDT (Recoverable Inscription of […]

Fungible-Non-Fungible ERC20 Token

Fungible gets Non-Fungible Attributes. Unleash Your Creativity to Earn Bitcoin and Ethereum. To begin, let me emphasize that I am inherently a computer scientist and coder. This passion has been ingrained in me since my early years when my German neighbor gifted me a computer. The world of programming has always captivated me. The sheer […]

Rendering NFT’s on-site instead of traditional images

The following is a method for utilising NFT’s within your website, opposed to art/graphics/stock. In this example, we use the OpenSea API to fetch the metadata of the NFT based on the contract address and token ID. We then parse the JSON response to extract the image URL of the NFT. Finally, we display the […]

Fungible meets Non-Fungible [ERC20 + ERC721/ERC115]

Tokens that combine fungibility with non-fungible aspects. By incorporating elements of both ERC-20 and ERC-721 or ERC-1155 standards, you can create tokens that have fungible properties but also unique inscriptions or characteristics. To implement this hybrid token, you can modify the standard ERC-20 token contract to include an additional mapping that associates an inscription or […]

Serum: Holding Government to Account

In today’s information-rich world, the need for accountability in government has never been more important. The rise of misinformation, coupled with the potential for untruthful statements by government representatives, highlights the necessity of reliable fact-checking and transparent governance. Addressing these challenges, companies like Catena Cap have developed innovative products like [Truth] Serum, which aims to hold governments accountable by verifying information and promoting transparency. In this article, we explore the potential benefits of such tools and their role in fostering government accountability.

AI: Public Perception vs Reality

Good or bad, right or wrong, sentience and dominance have always been at the forefront of human evolution. Whenever there are two or more species living in close proximity there is always a battle over the space and resources required for continued survival and proliferation. Usually the smartest and most adaptable of the competing species will either dominate or obliterate the others.

Artificial Intelligence: Public Perception versus Reality

The Future of Intelligent Decision Making within Armaments & Warfare Discovery Paper (Extract). Composed by: J.W 2018 With additional input from: E.G, R.B Good or bad, right or wrong, sentience and dominance have always been at the forefront of human evolution. Whenever there are two or more species living in close proximity there is always […]